
The Real Revolutionaries

My latest article for the UWM Times:

The Real Revolutionaries

A quick glance at the student body at any university across the United States would easily display the many different groups that students sort themselves into. Within these groups, you can find those who display their political ideology very easily. You will see them walking around in their popularized and commercialized “Che Guevara” t-shirts (I wonder what communist Che would say about his face on a popular t-shirt further representing the successes of capitalism). However, do these students truly know and consider themselves revolutionaries? And if so, what revolution are they exactly fighting for?

In November of 2004, UWM was bombarded with information and propaganda for the upcoming political elections. While there were all sorts of phrases displayed on the sidewalks (and in some cases, the walls), one phrase stuck out: “Viva la Revolucion”.

That phrase along with liberal groups on campus that constantly label themselves as “revolutionaries” has particularly led me to question whether the liberal students on campus are leading a revolution. After all, revolutions usually constitute changes in how things are operated in a system.

First off, it would be helpful to see the actual definition of “revolutionary”. Webster’s dictionary states that being “revolutionary” in essence means “constituting or bringing about a major or fundamental change.” Webster also defines the term “revolution” to be “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm.” So according to Webster’s definition, liberal groups on campus must be seeking fundamental changes to the way our universities are being run.

Now, wait a minute. Am I to believe that the strongholds of liberal thought are in need of a good revolution to change the views and ideologies of its faculty and student body? Perhaps, these students do not know what “revolutionary” actually means. It is common knowledge that the university system is the hotbed for liberal and leftist thought.

A quick examination of a university’s faculty would confirm this statement easily. Take the University of Colorado for example. The Wall Street Journal reported several years ago that the number of registered Democrats on the faculty exceeded the number of registered Republicans by an astounding 31-1 ratio. While this statistic is surprising, it really isn’t in the context of ideological composition at such institutions. A recent survey taken among faculty members across the United States showed that 72% of professors view themselves as having a leftist/liberal ideology. That number compares with 15% who claim to be more conservative leaning.

Not only is the faculty comprised of unabashed liberals, but often times the invited speakers to campuses are radical and extreme leftists. In fact, it is almost humorous to examine the lists of speakers who are frequently invited to address university functions. Why do universities seek out communists, socialists and extremists with such gaiety? In fact, it often comes down to small groups of conservative students and off-campus organizations to assemble the funds to invite a conservative speaker to campus.

Furthermore, students are being taught by a faculty that consists of left-leaning members. While I won’t say that all professors incorporate their own beliefs and opinions in their teachings, instances in which professors attempt to indoctrinate their students has been well documented. After all, the only real place left to find such radical thought is the university system. The vast majority of Americans realized the failure of such ideas as communism, socialism and radicalism years ago. Yet, professors don’t want to let go of their foolish dreams and ideas; therefore, it is up to them to teach their students the beauty of these failed systems.

So, once again, why do liberal students on campus think of themselves as revolutionaries? Maybe they like the term. Not to mention, it looks cool on their t-shirts. In actuality, I think many of them don’t understand what a revolution is. Liberal students are living in the majority on campuses across the nation. There is no need for a revolution when one’s ideologies are being represented in vast numbers. Attention liberals: you aren’t campus revolutionaries.

I say to the liberals who dream of revolutions: you are sadly mistaken. Go ahead and claim to be bringing about change in a setting where incorporating a revolution would involve the removal of yourselves for the sake of conservative thought. Think about it. You are surrounded every day by thousands of other self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” who don’t exactly know who the face on their t-shirts belongs to. It doesn’t matter though because they are fighting against the oppression they so often face on campus! That just sounds funny not to mention ridiculous.

The fact of the matter is that the real revolutionary ideas belong to those who are seeking tolerance of their views. The real revolution is taking place to fight for the promotion of intellectual pluralism. Tolerance, diversity and equality are no longer terms that belong to liberals. It is the conservative movement on campus that seeks these tenets. After all, any other type of political thought that does not fall on the left side of the spectrum is subjected to an amount of hostility.

Liberal universities do not want to see any semblance of conservative thought having an outlet on campus. It is for good reasons that they do so. They realize that after students graduate, the appeal and popularity of liberalism is often replaced by the rational adoption of conservative views and values. Universities know that they only have a short time to indoctrinate their students. Therefore, the presence of another ideology is simply unacceptable. The conservative movements on campus are definitely attempting to seek representation.

This is the change that would constitute a revolution. To go from a system with room for the dominance of only one ideology to a system that encourages and promotes differing political views.
And to all those “Che” t-shirt wearers out there, do you really want to support a guy whose ideal revolution can be summed up with his notion that “the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain”? I didn’t think so.

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